Recent News and Publications from the Frederick S. Pardee Institute for International Futures
Displaying 241 - 248 of 289 articles
Displaying 241 - 248 of 253
Books & Book Chapters
Hughes, B.H, Irfan, Mohammod, T., Khan, H., Kumar, K.B., Rothman, D.S. (2015). Reducing global poverty: Patterns of potential human progress volume 1. Routledge.
Books & Book Chapters
Hughes, B.H, Irfan, Mohammod, T., Khan, H., Kumar, K.B., Rothman, D.S. (2015). Reducing global poverty: Patterns of potential human progress volume 1. Routledge.
Books & Book Chapters
Hughes, B.H, Irfan, Mohammod, T., Khan, H., Kumar, K.B., Rothman, D.S. (2015). Reducing global poverty: Patterns of potential human progress volume 1. Routledge.
Books & Book Chapters
Hughes, B.H, Irfan, Mohammod, T., Khan, H., Kumar, K.B., Rothman, D.S. (2015). Reducing global poverty: Patterns of potential human progress volume 1. Routledge.
Reports & Briefs
Turner, S., Cilliers, J., and Hughes, B.B. (2014). “Reducing Poverty in Africa: Realistic Targets for the Post-2015 MDGs and Agenda 2063.”
Reports & Briefs
Markle, A. and Donnenfeld, Z. (2016). "Refreshing Africa’s Future: Prospects for Achieving Universal WASH Access by 2030." African Futures Paper No. 17. Institute for Security Studies and Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, Josef
Books & Book Chapters
Hughes, B.B., Joshi, D.K., Moyer, J.D., Sisk, T.D., Solorzano, J.R. (2014). Strengthening governance globally: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 5). Routledge.
Books & Book Chapters
Hughes, B.B., Joshi, D.K., Moyer, J.D., Sisk, T.D., Solorzano, J.R. (2014). Strengthening governance globally: Forecasting the next 50 years (Patterns of potential human progress volume 5). Routledge.